Friday, June 18, 2010

Going Away??

If you are going on a week-end trip, business related trip, or a well deserved vacation you don't only need a "things-to-remember" list, but also a "Home To-Do List" as well. You do not want to find yourself in the middle of a business meeting, on the nice sunny beach or even just a 100 or so miles away when you get that panic feeling of "did I forget... did I remember... to do this, to do that?", pay that due bill, leave fresh water and food for the cat, etc.

So, when leaving, make these 4 tasks complete before you go, and also check out our time saving ideas as well.

It is highly suggested that you utilize automatic light timers that work just as well on radios, televisions, to make the home looked lived-in, like you are not away. Stop newspaper delivery for the time you are away, these piled up on your doorstep or end of driveway can be a real sign that your home is empty and no one is there, leaving you wide open and vulnerable. Mail too can be held at your local post office and resume delivery when you return home.

You can also use auto pay for your important bills. Pay utilities online so that the payment will be made via internet through your account, so you can rest assured that you do not miss a payment and a bill is not awaiting your return. You can even call your payments in using your Master or Visa card, and it is a secure way too. By taking the one-time payment option you can assure you will only be charged this one time while you are away enjoying yourself.

Not only do you have to make arrangement for your pets, but your plants as well. You can hire someone to water them or put them near your automatic sprinkler system if you have one. If you must leave your pets at home, make sure you ask a neighbor who is reliable and can feed and give them water daily. I also suggest they have their own vehicle to transport the pets in case of an emergency.

To save on some of the energy billing and reducing costs, turn off gas and water, unplug some of the appliances like the microwaves, televisions and other ones that you will not be utilizing. This also reduced the danger of power surges if you should experience a power outage while you are away. If you have gas stoves, turn off the pilot lights to save even more while you are gone.

There tips, as little as just paying a bill ahead of time, or using auto bill pay to putting lights on automatic timers can save you much stress and anxiety while being away from your home and assuring that your home and pets will be safe upon your return.
